I feel a little down and blue

November 2, 2010

Sometimes in life I do things that I don’t approve but at times is best for me. Last night I had one of those moments, I dropped a class. I felt like it wasn’t going to help my GPA, so I decided to drop it and focus more on my other classes but it did get me down and blue. The reason it got me down is because it was a class for my major (NMC), which would have put me one step closer to graduating. Now I will have to work harder to get to that point, which has to be all done by June. Overload, for me, since I do do got a busy life but I am sure you already know that by now, if not heres a short glimpse into my life in a week. I go to school Mon-Thurs, go from class to class and race into town to pickup anything I need for the rest of the week or moment. Mon-Thurs I have my son and I have to space my time to have interaction with him and also complete my homework. As of now its not going to well and its what lead up to the withdrawal of the class. So my week ends on Thurs as far as having my child and school but Fri.-Sun I work all day to survive, which works but I have to hardest time to complete anything during those days because I completely drained and all I want to do is rest. Luckily, Sun. I get out of work at 7:30pm so I have time to complete my work that is due on Tues or Mon.

Does anyone else have a crazy life?

This last weekend

November 1, 2010

I had an awesome weekend! I usually work Friday-Sunday but to my luck I got Saturday off for the first time since this term has begun. Just to let you know I did attend the game, it was great. I hadn’t gone to a football game since like 2007 which was a long time and a lot of things have changed since then. Back in my day it was really easy to get tickets to the game, now it seems like a journey. People are waiting to get a ticket since Sunday night, not cool.

 To get back to my weekend, it felt great because for the first time I could enjoy myself with my friends and not worry about what I was doing or what time I had to go in to work that day or anything. I went to the game enjoyed myself like no other, although the game wasn’t too exciting.

After the game I went to a local bar where I viewed the U of O game which was a little bit disappointing. I am not a duck fan what so ever and I wanted USC to win but they didn’t, which sucked. I did have a variety of different beers which was a beginning of a very long night.

Does anyone have a similar lifestyle I mean that they never have time to do anything and when they do they enjoy themselves? The reason I ask is because I felt really good after Saturday but at the same time I felt odd because never had I felt like this, maybe it’s because I haven’t really gone out in years….

Crazy night with my son!

October 27, 2010

Kids are so inpredictable. Tuesday night I decided to rent a movie after the Laker game, which was awsome as always, it obviously had to be a film suitable for my son to watch too. The movie I chose was “How to train your dragon” by dreamworks, not too big of a fan of most of there films. Thats another story for another day. I did hear it was a great movie, from friends that saw it in the theaters and boy were they right. I mean it had me jumping up and down my son yelling at the TV with excitement, it was a great. I thought when the movie ended my son would calm down and go back to his normal self, but that didnt happen. For some reason he thought he was a dragon and kept grawling at me and jumping from one coach to another, trying to attack me. This happend all night from like 10pm to around 12am, I had to slay him to sleep. After, I put him to bed I thought to myself how do I avoid those situations? I mean I did have fun with my son but it was getting frustrating because a lil boy like him shouldnt be awake that late. Has anyone else had moments like this? Can anyone give me some advice? Shoot, he has alot of DVD’s and never does he get all hyped up like he did last night.

My life is CRAZY!

October 18, 2010

So, most dont really know me well and my current situation. I just split with my girlfriend (about 3 months) and I am currently going through custody and child support battles, which suck but good thing I didnt come from dumb plant roots. Its hard I will tell you this, when you think you know someone “really good” and turns out it was much different than you thought. I have to fight to see my son, although we have both agreed to share him equally. I guess my situation I am in is that I shouldnt have to fight to see my son although I do and to be the bigger man about it I suck it up just so my son doesnt see us fight. Sucks, right?

Interview with Joe

October 11, 2010

So, this week I asked my friend about his first week experience on the Oregon State University (OSU) campus. Before I begin I think it would be wise of myself to introduce him, his name is Joe Dyer. He was a freshman here at OSU in 2007, and wow did he have a crazy first week experience as a freshman. “I had it hard my first week, as a freshman…” Joe started explaining about how he felt lost as a freshman, because of him not knowing anyone from his home town of Indianapolis, Indiana. “Why, did you find yourself lost?” I asked “Well, a lot of people here are so friendly and WHITE” Joe replied. I wasn’t too sure what this meant but I continued to ask him “What do you mean, so white?” Joe started to say “…back at home there’s a lot more diverse crowds, all I ever seem to see in the dorms I stayed at was white people not much of diverse crowds”. “Did you ever have any issues with your roommate/s?” Joe answered that he had a roommate which was great because he showed him that Oregon, Portland in particular, does have diversity. “…I mean not only did he show me the colorful side of this state but also the club scene and I made some friends too!” Joe did comment in our interview that he also had a difficult time due to not having a car but his father shipped his car by the end of his first week of his freshman year. Joe told me something that I will never forget “…I had to go to the restroom, and I did go to the restroom but as I was walking to the restroom from my dorm I found I guy laying on the ground throwing up. I approached him and he did not look well, I ran to my RA’s room and got her to call the ambulance. Little did I know that if I hadn’t actually done that, he would have died.” This was an excellent example of what some freshman do during their first weeks as a college students. Joe did a great deed that day by saving that guys life, if he would have not paid attention to him probably no one would have even noticed.

I didn’t really get too much information about his first week experience as a freshman. This is probably due to he’s not much of a party scene guy, more of a ideal student. Not sure why he is one of my good friends but maybe the saying is true “opposites attract”.

In the store and ever wondered?

October 6, 2010

So, I am a proud parent of a two year old little baby boy, I have gone through many things that most people wonder why? Today was definitely one of those days, so I went to Safeway downtown with my son and went on a grocery spree which was supposed to be fun but I soon found out different. When we stepped in the store he decided to throw a tantrum at me and started to yell off the top of his lungs! What a nightmare, right? Well, at first I didn’t mind it until everyone would turn and look at me like if I did something wrong. How do I stop this problem? Luckily, I know all of my son’s weaknesses and one that he always falls for is soft drinks. So, I got him a Pepsi from the drink section and boy did he shut his mouth and guzzled down that Pepsi. I know most of us have seen random people go through what I did today on a daily basis but my question is, what do you automatically assume is going on?

New School Year

October 4, 2010

Well, I dont know where to start with this blog but I do have an idea of what to blog about, people and there crazy actions. Done with the first week of school nothing great yet, same old stuff happening such as people walking down Monroe, hammered with no idea or clue of there actions. Typical, Corvallis weekend night, right? Yes, but has anyone ever thought that those people who go out on the weekends are more annoying than funny. I mean yes, it is Corvallis but have we ever thought their is acutal people who live in this town and do get annoyed of those rowdy college students who vandalize there streets and possibly their homes. I know that if this went on in my parents neighborhood I would flip out because my parents need there rest in order to be energized for there early moring shifts at work. Just a little thought but am I wrong to say this?